The other day I was working on some coding at work and after adding quite an ordinary property (as follows) the browser went totally berserk, displaying some error message about "service unavailable" (in red, I might add ;-) and a while later the visual studio debugging prompt let me know that there was an stackoverflowexception in aspnet_wp.exe. That kind of behavior obviously sets one off, and after some misleading googling I finally spotted my fatal error, can you see it?:
private string myProperty; public string _myProperty { get { return _myProperty; } set { myProperty = value; } }
Well, what I accidentally did, as you can see above in the get block i return the property itself instead of the private member variable, causing an infinite loop... not good.
By the way, I prefer the following namingconvention when it comes to underscores and capitals, but thats not what goes at work. In the following example (with the same error!) I think the error is easier to spot:
private string _myProperty; public string MyProperty { get { return MyProperty; } //Still wrong! Should be: return _myProperty; set { _myProperty = value; } }
There are other reasons to the same error behavior, so google it if this isn't yours.
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